Healthy and caring city

CEV application

CEV application

Helping the clinically extremely vulnerable (shielded). 

The government announcement of the shielding programme at the start of the COVID pandemic, required LAs to respond quickly to meet the needs of its most vulnerable residents. Each LA received regular CSV files with lists of residents in their area who were shielding. The data was often badly formatted and difficult to match against other council records. Over the weeks, further files were sent to LAs containing information about government food deliveries and government call centre contact. 

Key project details

  • Helping over 11,000 vulnerable residents
CEV screen 1
CEV screen 2
CEV screen 3

Getting it together

The need to see all data in one place. 

With lots of separate files being emailed daily to the Digital and Data team, it was a challenge to match the records at speed and be able to present them in an easy-to-use format for staff to make contact with residents. We were under pressure to deliver a joined-up solution which would allow separate service teams to see which residents had already been contacted and what actions needed to be taken. We also wanted to make contact with over 11,000 residents quickly to provide signposting and support as soon as possible. 

CEV Homescreen

Solving multiple problems

Up-to-date information and mailshots

By bringing together all the separated datasets into one application, we have been able to expand the functionality to meet the needs as the COVID response has evolved. The CEV app combines a Mendix application with webservices to call a SQL database, as well as a Boomi process to call the Customer Index. We have also integrated a Gov.Notify component to send mailshots as: emails, SMS and as letters. This multi-functional application has saved staff time and improved efficiency as all data is visible to relevant staff in one place. We have also been able to reach out to 1,000s of residents with the click of a button and offer support and advice when they most need it.    

The CEV app was developed to help us manage contact with those who had been advised to shield and has enabled us to quickly and proactively make contact with those on the shielding list to link them in with support if needed. Having all of these tools in place has undoubtedly made what has been a very challenging task far easier to manage, and has meant we have been able to use support from staff across the council to manage contact with our residents as we’ve been able to easily train staff, but also see where other teams/services are already in contact with our resident.

Katy Razavi, Health and Adult Social Care

Displaying everything together

Video file